As part of one of the latest developments at Gordon & Gotch, the integration of Stripe allows payments to now be taken within Myriad

There were two elements involved in this integration. The first allows users to take one-off payments within Myriad by inputting card details, which will then be processed by Stripe directly.

The second part to this integration focussed on the Continuous Payment Authority (CPA) function. The customer starts by placing an order via the website, which is payable via a CPA, and the first of the collections is then paid in Stripe.

Myriad will then create the plan accordingly, based on the frequency of collections (quarterly, annually etc.) and processes the payment when it is due. This is achieved by using the secure ID fields which are passed from Stripe through to Myriad when the initial payment was made at the point of purchase.

When a repeat payment is taken, Myriad is automatically updated with the payment from Stripe and the order is marked as paid for the correct amount of issues the collection covers.

At no point during the process will card details be stored within the software, keeping sensitive data secure at every stage.

Contact Graham Elliott to find out more on or call 0118 989 2003